Prevailing wage and apprenticeship bonus credit compliance solution

Our end-to-end technology solution makes compliance for IRA PW&A requirements simple.


Is your organization eligible for Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) credits or have you been awarded a 48C credit? Projects that are compliant with prevailing wage and apprenticeship (PW&A) requirements are eligible to earn five times the base credit. PW&A requires organizations to pay all skilled trade workers the prevailing wage, a combination of hourly pay and benefits, and to use qualified apprentices.

Our end-to-end technology solution makes compliance for IRA PW&A requirements simple. The compliance portal leverages LCPtracker, a trusted payroll tracking system, to ingest and certify payroll. Together our systems and people effectively tackle the three pillars of compliance: prevailing wage, apprenticeship and penalties. Watch the demo video below for a look inside the solution.To learn more or schedule a demo, complete the form below.


Complete the form below to learn more or schedule a demo.


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