New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) mapping tool

Look at every opportunity to finance projects by evaluating their eligibility for tax credit financing through the NMTC program. Our interactive mapping tool can help you determine if a project is located in a "distressed" census track that may qualify for NMTCs. 

NEW: 2016-2020 data now available! Drop a pin or search for an address to see if your project may be eligible for NMTCs under 2016-2020 census track data.

Use the form below the map to submit your project to our tax credit specialists for additional qualification analysis.

Disclaimer: The data presented in this map are provided as a reference and the validity cannot be guaranteed. The CDFI Fund is the authority of this data figure and for NMTC eligibility.

This is an area for any disclaimers, form submission notes, etc

What is the NMTC program and how does it work?


Learn more about NMTCs

Baker Tilly US, LLP and Baker Tilly Advisory Group, LP and its subsidiary entities provide professional services through an alternative practice structure in accordance with the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and applicable laws, regulations and professional standards. Baker Tilly US, LLP is a licensed independent CPA firm that provides attest services to clients. Baker Tilly Advisory Group, LP and its subsidiary entities provide tax and business advisory services to their clients. Baker Tilly Advisory Group, LP and its subsidiary entities are not licensed CPA firms. © Baker Tilly Advisory Group, LP

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